Deftly described over at Driftglass in the wake of this whole Bush, etc speaking on a gay marriage ban and flag burning. Clearly the most important issues our country currently faces...
d r i f t g l a s s: More and more:
"That was the deal: In exchange for Queers to blame, they’ll ignore torture.
In exchange for Flag Burning Amendments, they’ll help the GOP heap the United States Constitution onto the pyre.
In exchange for making Liberals the New Dirty Jews, they’ll let their labor be devalued and outsourced.
In exchange for smearing Feminists, they’ll let the education system go to hell, and let good education cease to be a right and become just another privilege of the landed gentry.
In exchange for making the Michael Moore the repository of all evil, they’ll let war criminals, traitors, looters and lunatics run the government of the United States right over a cliff.
In exchange for being willfully ignorant and turning their back on Reality, they get Hateclowns like Rush and O’Reilly and Coulter to amuse them.
And in this run-up to the Maul in the Fall, that’s corner into which their Thirty-Year Long March Strategy has painted the GOP leadership. "
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