Monday, October 07, 2013


10/8 - band pulldowns, band rv grip pulldowns, band rows, strap bw row, band 1A row, band curls, band concentration curls, band preacher curls

Awesome - - Body Transformation: Jeremy Lost 200 Pounds In One Year!:


10/7 - pushups [regular, feet elevated, wide grip, strap, tricep, hindu], band chest press, bench dips, band overhead tricep xtentions

Great work - Before And After Fat Loss | ellenkeepsitclean: Early #transformationtuesday ...
"80lbs! Boom! Gone! Hahaha…well, it took awhile (but it should!) and I did it! Changed my lifestyle (this also took a long time to master!) and found my balance...  There’s no quick fix, all you need is time. You can do it if you want to. Trust me! Every little change adds up :) Stay positive! (@e_mags) [height-5’9, first picture -US Size 18, second picture - US size 2-4]"