'Hate' is a stronger word than I'd use. And being a privileged white male who could never understand my privilege [the internets really needs a sarcasm font] I don't know what I'm talking about, etc, etc. And this goes a ways further down the standard internetery feminism vs evolutionary psychology rigamarole than I'd be inclined to agree [at the link..] And I understand that as a white dude in modern America that gives me all sorts of extra chances to succeed/fuck up and still recover when the other gender or other ethnicities or sexual preferences might not get it.
Far too many -isms, be they of political or other stripe, pick a group that is somehow guilty by their very nature or existence, and that's straight up old school religious kooky original sin thinking. Which I firmly disavow, at the cost of my immortal soul! [Not really, tho'. I mean, I do disavow. But at no cost. Because, you know, fairy tales.]
But the big point, I guess, maybe, is that I get older every effort to put anyone in any category, either oppressed or oppressor, strikes me as wrong headed. Treat people decently, as individuals, and the further you get away from that, the worse off you are.
Darwinian Feminism vs. The Caveman Mystique | Evolvify:
"I hate postmodern feminism. As a man by birth, not by choice, I call shenanigans on the idea of a vast male conspiracy in which I’m hopelessly complicit. The charge that I am conditioned from birth to oppress all of the women I love, all of the women I know, and all of the women on the planet is not one with which I’m likely to acquiesce. The notion that I’m doomed to omni-directional socialization smacks of Christianity’s putrid communicable mind-disease of “Original Sin”. But while Christianity offers potential salvation through authoritarian subjugation of our minds and the rest of our human nature after a life of guilt, postmodern feminism offers nothing more than perpetual guilt and a labryinthian trial of futility that would lead Josef K to rejoice in the relative clarity of his nightmare of Kafka’s prison. Like the magical monotheisms’ strategic defense by placing its rules outside the observable world and beyond the understanding of feeble brains, postmodern feminism holds its truths just on the other side of spectacular society’s aim or grasp. We are all inside the conspiracy, and thus, forever powerless to question its pervasive hold with our tainted minds."