...don't be confused... I'm not against God. Or the idea of God. Or Gods. Or the spiritual. I'm just against YOUR God ;) Or at least the God you lay claim to as a Christian. [Again, if that's confusing, I can only once again recommend a good book on comparative theology or philosophy] :)
The God of the Bible. The one actually described there. That inconstant, egotistic, vengeful and violent child... slaughterer of nations and children who displease him. Demanding of the adulation and subservience of his creation under penalty of eternal tortuous damnation.
And... I can't emphasize this part strongly enough... I am emphatically against *any* god's self appointed representative on earth, as from an historical perspective, they've pretty much been the biggest and most evil scumfu*ks ever.
You know, and I don't know if you do, but I would love for *any* god to change my mind and "heart". In the words of that great X-Files philosopher Fox Mulder - I want to believe. Surely, it shouldn't be beyond the abilities of his grand beneficence and omnipotence to convince lil ol me of the truth, and do it in a way that I wouldn't think it was just some weird self delusional synaptical misfire. Compared to, say, generating all of creation and everything, that should be a snap.
But I've been waiting a loooooong time for that. And the closest I've ever seen to *god* is the love and compassion that people's better nature sometimes allows them to give to one another.... no god, no Jesus and no Bible required.
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