Saturday, November 03, 2012

Friday, November 02, 2012

Wednesday, October 31, 2012


10/31 - shadowboxing/Bas Rutten MMA Workout - 3x2m boxing, 3x2m kickboxing, 3x2m MMA, chinup finisher 2x15/8 -- Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit

10/30 - chins 3x10, neutral grip pulls 3x8, bw rows 3x8, dips 3x12, elevated pushups 3x15, wide grip pullups 3x5, 4x10 db press/up row/lateral/fwd lateral/bnt laterals/band dislocates/band pull aparts, shugs x100 -- Insanity Cardio Power & Resistance



Monday, October 29, 2012

Food Log.

10/22 - coffee, cream, water, coconut water, steak, spinach, spring mix, tomato, yellow pepper, guacamole, shredded cheddar cheese, supplements*
10/23 - coffee, cream, milk, coconut water, water, protein powder, almond butter, steak, spinach, spring mix, tomato, yellow pepper, guacamole, shredded cheddar cheese, supplements
10/24 - coffee, half & half, supplements, water, coconut water, steak, protein powder, peanut butter
10/25 - coffee, half & half, supplements, water, coconut water, chicken, olives, guacamole, Diet Coke
10/26 - coffee, half & half, water, coconut water, chicken, guacamole, supplements, Diet Coke, brie
10/27 - coffee, half & half, water, coconut water, supplements, beer, deviled eggs, jerky, pizza, fritters, peanut butter bomb dessert, eggs, bacon, potatoes
10/28 - coffee, half & half, chocolate milk, chocolate banana bread, bacon & cheese Whopper, onion rings, Diet Coke

*supplements - multivitamin pack, fish oil, zinc, nootropic, 5-HTP, immune support, pre-workout complex


10/29 - pullups [ladder 1 to 4 (1/2/3/4)] x5 circuits/50 reps total - neutral grip weighted [med ball/backpack/10lbs] pullups 3x4, 3x3, 2x2 - bw ng pullup finisher x6/5 - dips [ladder 1 to 4/x3 circuits/30 reps total] - weighted dips x6/5 - ab wheel rollout from knees 2x10 -- Insanity Pure Cardio + Cardio Abs

10/28 - off

10/27 - Insanity Plyometric Cardio Circuit

This Is Awesome.

The "it's just rain & wind" edition.