Wednesday, July 06, 2011

Post-Liberia, it's Thailand - May, 2013.

So sayeth the State Department, as my wife's career continues apace.  Going to live in the motherland of Muay Thai Kickboxing, so that's what we call a "WIN."  Should be cool.

Sunday, July 03, 2011


7/3 - P90X D77 - Yoga - Tony Horton One on One 'Fountain of Youth' Routine & Abs
7/2 - P90X D76 - Legs, Back & Abs
7/1 - P90X D75 - Kenpo X
6/30 - P90X D74 - Shoulders & Arms
6/29 - P90X D73 - Plyometrics & Abs
6/28 - P90X D72 - Chest & Back


Work in progress.