"Get this: Guys like Socrates, Plato and Aristotle said that if you want happiness you better live with areté–a word that literally means virtue or excellence but has a deeper meaning…something closer to “constantly striving to reach your highest potential.”
How beautiful is that? It was one of the highest ideals of Greek culture.
It should be one of ours.
Tragically, it’s not.
We seem to be more interested in resumes, accolades and 401k’s.
Speaking of retirement…
Who came up with that? Work like crazy doing something we’re not passionate about so we can accumulate enough money to pay the bills from our stress-caused illnesses while we complain about what we should have done when we were still young.
Hmmm…We can’t quite figure that one out. Seems like it makes a bit more sense to go ahead and dare to live now…
Why not thinkarete?
Live to your highest potential–moment to moment to moment.
Not in the mood?
Fine. Then live with regret, anxiety, and disillusionment.
Your call."
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