"The abysmal and pathetic launch of healthcare.gov is simply the cherry on top of a shit sundae Obama’s been whipping up for the kids. You can protest that the stimulus should have been bigger, but when you judge its success against what the Obama administration claimed it would do, it was an epic fail. While masquerading as the peace and freedom candidate – easy to do against such hawkish characters as Hillary Clinton in the primaries and John McCain in the general election – Obama prided himself on tripling troop strength in Afghanistan and tried to extend our stays there and in Iraq. But for the vocal pushback from Rand Paul, Justin Amash, and a bunch of younger, non-interventionist Republicans, there’s every reason that the U.S. would have started an unsanctioned war in Syria, just as it did in Libya (where things are working out...how, again?)....
The president has been genuinely awful on pot legalization and dragged his feet on gay marriage – issues on which younger voters are in front of the general population – and he spent his first term deporting more immigrants than George W. Bush managed to in eight years (despite minor reprieves announced in time for the 2012 elections, the deportations keep on happening). The revelations of widespread, Obama-approved drone strikes, the compilation of a presidential kill list, and the data collection of phone logs and internet traffic don’t exactly inspire warm and fuzzy feelings from a generation that lives online. His response to the Gulf oil spill was dithering to non-existent and his alt-energy plans have come to naught even as fracking has put the country on a path to something like energy independence. And clandestine attempts to expand onerous copyright laws and outlaw cellphone unlocking via the Trans-Pacific Partnership Treaty aren’t helping either."
"Wonder Woman was always a pretty long dream of mine, but I’ve never found a design I’ve really like. The wonderful Yaya Han however showed me this amazing artwork of her in an armor I’ve just felt in love with! One and half weeks and many sleepless nights later the costume was done! Despite of I had no time to add weapons and a shield, I’m very proud on this work and especially love the photoshoot I’ve done with Darhelle Stevens and Zim Killgore at the Vasquez rocks. Hope you like the result as much as I do!"
Make yourself into whatever you want. Korean Twin Sisters Turn Into Another Totally Different Twin Sisters After Plastic Surgery (14 pics:
"The first photo is the twin sisters before going to Korean liveshow TV 'Let's Beauty'. The main purpose of this program is to help those with special circumstances or people who are too ugly to feel confident in their life. This lucky twin sisters has got their chance to change their look when they got sponsored by this program. Let's take a look and see the magic"
The way to go. Timeline Photos - Gaian Botanicals:
"On Aldous Huxley's deathbed he was unable to speak and simply wrote, “LSD, 100 µg, intramuscular” on a piece of paper and handed it to his wife Laura. She obliged his final wish and injected him the drug several moments later. Huxley passed away soon after, still heavily under the influence of LSD. "
This is excellent.
"when you start watching a new show and immediately get attached to a character"
"i like my women with curves. lots and lots of curves. in a sort of spiral shape maybe with ketchup. curly fries. i like curly fries."
"It's your ear."
Larger at the link - Saturday Morning Breakfast Cereal: