"More than half of female Marines in boot camp can't do three pull-ups, the minimum standard that was supposed to take effect with the new year, prompting the Marine Corps to delay the requirement, part of the process of equalizing physical standards to integrate women into combat jobs. The delay rekindled sharp debate in the military on the question of whether women have the physical strength for some military jobs, as service branches move toward opening thousands of combat roles to them in 2016."
"A long time ago, we used to be friends..." - Full Trailer For The Veronica Mars Movie
When UNMIL eventually pulls out, the odds are going to suck for Liberia. - allAfrica.com: Liberia: Unmil, Local Staff in Dialogue After Protest:
"The United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL) and representatives of its national staff are dialoguing after a protest staged by the latter last Friday over "poor work conditions", according to UNMIL spokesman, Aleem Siddique. He told the Liberia News Agency Sunday that UNMIL is taking the concerns of the national staff "seriously" and hence the dialogue. He disclosed that UNMIL started discussions with the protesters on Friday while the demonstration was ongoing, but noted the UN Mission had no prior knowledge of the reasons for the protest."
"Well, it's official: You can legally buy weed in Colorado now, as long as you're 21 or older. The state began the sale of recreational marijuana Wednesday, marking the beginning of an unprecedented experiment in the governmental regulation of weed. AND PEOPLE ARE FREAKING PUMPED."
Americans, Again, Say Government Is Shockingly Incompetent - Hit & Run : Reason.com:
"Surprisingly, in the year of Obamacare, NSA snooping, and skyrocketing federal debt, Americans express little confidence in government and consider it largely incapable of addressing the problems and issues facing the country. OK, that's not surprising at all—actually, it's a predictable result of polling in a year when goverment officials seem to have set out to demonstrate just how untrustworthy and incompetent they can be when given half a chance."
"Surprisingly, in the year of Obamacare, NSA snooping, and skyrocketing federal debt, Americans express little confidence in government and consider it largely incapable of addressing the problems and issues facing the country. OK, that's not surprising at all—actually, it's a predictable result of polling in a year when goverment officials seem to have set out to demonstrate just how untrustworthy and incompetent they can be when given half a chance."
Eminent domain/theft under color of authority VS Fumio Demura, karate legend [and stunt double for Pat Morita in 'The Karate Kid.'] - The Real Miyagi's Dojo Threatened: Santa Ana Favors Foliage over Small Businesses - Hit & Run : Reason.com:
"“You can eat for two!” Whoever started this myth has affected more women worldwide than any form of the “patriarchy.” According to leading doctors, women should be eating an extra 300-500 calories a day to accommodate the baby during pregnancy. This amounts to maybe a pound week at most of weight again. The Institute of Medicine recommends a weight gain of 25-35lbs during the whole pregnancy. That means a chick who is 120lb before pregnancy will be at most 155lb before the baby comes out. So when you hear a lady gain upwards of 50 lbs, she’s not just harming herself but the child as well. Obesity increases the risk of infection, c-section probability, thrombosis, gestational diabetes for the mother, and can even impact the child. It’s not just a female aesthetic issue but one of child endangerment. Women who gain too much during their pregnancies are similar to women who smoke during theirs. At least society is willing to socially shame the smokers—we need to start fat shaming pregnant women who gain too much for the protection of their fetus. It’s the right thing to do."
"Lesson #1: Mindless Phone Usage (MPU) is stealing our humanity...
Lesson #2: Vibrate is the secret killer of mental clarity
Yes, it’s absurd to let our phone ring aloud in any public situation. So we put our phone on vibrate. Even still, we are interrupted by completely inane and non-urgent notifications pleading for our attention.Vibrate is the phone’s temper tantrum. And we reward it by giving our attention, rather than putting it in time out (do not disturb)...."
Badass Judo throw from last week's Rousey/Tate fight.