Tuesday, March 06, 2012

"Monsters are real..."

"If someone hates you for no reason..."

"I do not think it means what you think it means."

"I just don't know you any more..."

"Nothing says small government and individual liberty like..."

Scenes from a peaceful protest rally in Virginia.

Really?  Jesus America, you're wildly fucked up.  
And from the comments - "You can tell who came to riot by the way they’re dressed."
Truth.  Cops dressing up and playing soldier & the continued failure of law enforcement culture as it creeps towards militarization.

Monday, March 05, 2012

"15 styles of Distorted Thinking."

Read often. 
We all forget.  
We all make the same mistakes.

"Dozo yoroshiku onegai shimasu."

Well played, sir.

"Seems Legit."

"Cocaine World Championship Finals."

There can be only one.

"Dear God, Why do you allow so much violence in our schools?"

Jedi Vs Sith.

This is actually pretty cool.

I see what they did there.

"Why you THINK Cannabis is illegal..."

Cooking/Food Log.

Multiple social engagements on numerous days continue to lay waste to the idea of one free/cheat day a week.  Also the past couple weeks I got sloppy tracking food intake.  So to correct that I shifted to tracking/logging on the daily.  While not 6&1 still feels like roughly 80/20 compliance with a free meal each day over the course of the weekend.  Onwards.

M - coffee w/cream & Splenda, water, protein shake, multivitamin, omega efa, Italian lunchmeats, coffee w/cream & Splenda, chicken, caprese salad [mozzarella, tomato, olive oil]
T - coffee w/cream & Splenda, protein shake, multivitamin, omega efa, water, coffee w/cream & Splenda, protein shake, chicken w/sauce & cheese
W - coffee w/cream & Splenda, chicken & mayo, chicken dogs w/cheese, protein shake, multi, omega efa, scrambled eggs & chs, pork rinds & ranch
T - coffee w/cream & Splenda, water, protein shake, coffee wcream & Splenda, protein shake, multi, omega efa
F - coffee wcream & Splenda, water, protein shake, coffee w/cream & Splenda, protein shake, multi, omega efa, baked chicken, 5 beers, tacos, mixed grill plate
S - coffee w/milk & Splenda, Starbucks Frappacino, water, chicken, turkey & macaroni, diet Coke, 7 beers, pork rinds, pizza, sponge cake
S - diet Coke, water, kid's birthday party food, cake and awesomeness

For the Mrs.


3/5 - PT I - Chest: Wide-grip dips (1 x 12) / wide-grip neck press (1 x 12) / incline dumbbell press (1 x 12) / wide push-ups (1 x failure) Shoulders: Side swings (1 x 8 each side) / shoulder row (1 x 12) / side laterals (1 x 12) / bent over dumbbell laterals (1 x 12) Biceps: Preacher curl (1 x 12) / drag curl (1 x 12) / incline curls (1 x 12) / seated dumbbell curls (1 x 12) 13m rebounder
PT II - same as PT I minus 13m rebounder

3/4 - active recovery/basketball

3/3 - PT I - deadlift 3x20, wrist curls 3x15, 3x3m rounds shadowboxing Bas Rutten MMA Workout/Boxing
PT II - MMA Group - kickboxing tag, boxing focus pads, ab band rotations, tire pulls, tire flips, jump rope, chinups/pullups

3/2 - PT I - Wide-grip neck press/incline dumbbell press (4×8+4×8) Side laterals/dumbbell side swings (4×8+4×8) bent Calf raises (3×20) 4x2m shadowboxing/Bas Rutten MMA Workout/Boxing
PT II - 60m stretching & grappling mobility drills
PT III - same as PT I