"...is you write some shit down on paper and then when the woman gets tired of your nonsense she can leave and have sex with new men. But you have to continue sending her money... Yeah, well, OJ wasn't buying that either."
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Hitting up one of my regularly scheduled training blogs and, boom, solid relationship stuff. LIFT-RUN-BANG: Thoughts about life, crap, training, and stuff - Cheaters: "I remember a while back that someone posted a meme that read "Don't let your man leave the house horny, or hungry" and some women got offended by it.
Why? Seems like good advice to me.
Wouldn't doing so mean you're simply doing a part of keeping your man fulfilled in the relationship? The counter argument to that is that the man should love her enough and be disciplined enough not to be persuaded by other women. Maybe. Maybe not...
Mind you, none of this is an excuse for that kind of behavior if he is an committed relationship. I'm just trying to talk about reality here. It does happen. It's less likely to happen if you treat your man like it's "steak and a BJ day" more days than not...
And now we're at the crux of it all. The fact is, a man will get used to looking at his beautiful woman. As the saying goes, show me a beautiful woman and I will show you a man tired of her shit. There's sort of a deeper message lost in that very red-necky saying. And it's this. After all of the novelty and newness of someone wears off....what are you left with? What are they "feeding" you? Emotionally, intellectually, and physically.
For a relationship to continue thriving it has to be fed on all these parts or it will wilt and die. To add, as people grow they change, and need different types of things to be fed. It's up to both people to be open enough and receptive enough to listen to those needs, and more importantly, have application in regards to them.
This is why communication isn't enough. The application part is probably more important. Lots of couples fail because while they hear the needs of the other person, there is no application of those needs. Communication is only worth it if the other person applies those needs that are being communicated.
If you tell me that after work you need your feet rubbed, but I fail to apply a foot rubbing, then communication isn't the problem. It's the lack of application of what I know you need. What generally happens next is that the communicator stops letting the other person know what they need, because they feel doing so is a waste of time...
The point is, if you are going to be in a relationship don't expect it to be just about your own personal needs. There's someone else involved too. And I see far too much entitlement now about how a man treats a woman, yet so little in the way about how people are supposed to treat EACH OTHER. A big part of a loving relationship is understanding the needs of your partner and caring enough to meet them. Let me rephrase that....a big part of a loving relationship is understanding the needs of each other and doing what it takes to meet them. It's a reciprocation that is done because it's important to you to make sure your partner is happy. They do the same for you."