She spent the day with Kiko, Midori and Bachan visiting the shrine at Houtou. The shrine is off the mainland on Takashima island, about a 10m boat ride from the Karatsu Castle parking lot.

The shrine is for good luck in the lottery. Yes, there's a god/spirit for that, apparently.
This cat, named Kane-chan, is apparently a good luck charm and is credited with helping one woman win 300,000,000 yen... Sandy made me post the picture, I swear to you all.

Kiko was keen on coming up with a partitioning agreement to split all lotto winnings 3 ways in case anybody won.
Except if she won, of course, in which case she said she'd keep it secret.
That's some strong Adachi blood right there. The cheapness is strong with their people.
But most importantly, check out Bachan's kickin' new haircut!

And this photo is here just cause I thought it looked cool. Nice framing.

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