9/11 - press, chins, dips
"Whenever I realized my opinion of myself dictated what I could accomplish I slowly started to change my opinion of myself positively... when you feel like you're nothing and you feel like you have nothing the smallest things just make you feel incredible... and as you accomplish more and more in your own eyes... everything improves... You like yourself better. And when you're confident and you like yourself you achieve more. You're happier. It builds on itself... If you're negative only more negative shit comes. If you think you suck, it really only continues 'cause you'll act that way. When you like yourself, when you're positive, when you work towards good things you only get more of it.... Instead of just being set in stone - 'I'm me and I suck' - whenever I realized that I could control it then my life got better...
If other people could do it that I could as well if I was just willing to not give up, to keep trying, to keep working towards it...
The reality of the situation is, when you view the world for what it is, it's fucking amazing. Because there's so much opportunity it's, like, ridiculous. No one actually stops you from moving forwards in life...
So thankful for my girlfriend, who pushed me... without her I wouldn't have been able to do it... Without her support, helping me eat and drink and making me meals and getting me to drink water when I felt ill... massaging my injured body parts and telling me I'm going to do well. Encouraging me, believing in me... Life couldn't be better."
46 to 51. Never too old, never too late, never give up. Michelle Rabe - Mobile Uploads: "Almost 5 years now since I changed my lifestyle! A lot actually changed for me besides my transformation and getting healthy! Some rather bitter/sweet but I am happy to say I have become alot stronger And a positive can do attitude....So for this I am blessed. Without your HEALTH you have nothing! 46 years old when I started and will be 51 in November! Boom!"