7/7 - shadowboxing/kickboxing 5x2m rounds - bag work/kickboxing 5x2m, boxing 3x3m - finisher 120 round kicks on the bag [50 thigh, 2x25 ribs, 20 head] & 100 elbows
7/6 - light workout - 4x10/light weights/limited rest periods - db laterals, incline press, bw row, pd/asst pullup [10/10/8/6], hands out curl, overheard tri x, calf raise 2x50, db pullovers, hyperx, glute bridge, hip thrusters, wall squat finisher/90s
7/5 - no pt/nursing an injury/I suck
7/4 - 75m grappling/jiu jitsu
7/6 - light workout - 4x10/light weights/limited rest periods - db laterals, incline press, bw row, pd/asst pullup [10/10/8/6], hands out curl, overheard tri x, calf raise 2x50, db pullovers, hyperx, glute bridge, hip thrusters, wall squat finisher/90s
7/5 - no pt/nursing an injury/I suck
7/4 - 75m grappling/jiu jitsu
7/3 - boxing - 3x3m rounds shadowboxing alt w/3x3m rounds bag work - death by chinup finisher [1 to 8, 6-3]