11/11 - water, fiber powder, coconut water, 30m treadmill walk, Tylenol, coffee, milk, Animal Flex
11/12 - water, fiber powder, coffee, milk, coconut water, chins/dips/30m rebounder, ZMA, Animal Flex
11/13 - water, fiber powder, coffee, milk, Animal Flex, ZMA, Animal Omega, chins/dips/30m rebounder/foam rolling
11/14 - water, fiber powder, coffee, milk, Animal Omega, chins/dips, Animal Flex, ZMA, yogurt, 30m rebounder, V8, foam rolling
11/15 - water, fiber powder, coffee, cream, chins/dips, yogurt, eggs, dips/chins, V8, 20m rebounder/10m light shadowboxing, Animal Flex, ZMA, Animal Omega, foam rolling
Five day modified fast as a digestive reset after the 5-6 month bulking experiment... call it a moderate success. Even featuring the "eat all the things" and "drink all the beers" nutrition template. Put on 20-25lbs since May. Some muscle - definitely got stronger in the gym, set new PRs - though that's probably as much from smarter, more consistent programming as putting on mass. In addition to putting on muscle, put on some fat as well, as my expanded waistline attests...
If/when I do another bulk, maybe next fall, I think I'll try and keep the food quality higher. You know, fewer pizzas, triple cheeseburgers & beers. It was fun though, I'll admit.
Video Truth.
So a 5 day modified fast this week, and appropriate extremely light workouts... good because it also gave some injuries [low back, elbow] some much needed recovery time. Also coming off of lots of junk food and moving into a more responsible eating habit will help eliminate a lot of the inflammatory foods I'm fairly sure are making me a bit more susceptible to injury and slower to recover.
The next three months focused primarily fat loss, with strength, hypertrophy & conditioning all running a close 'tied for second' place.
Fat loss & body composition - More nutrition than exercise, so shifting back to a primal/paleo/LCHF/meat, eggs & veg nutrition plan. Strict for 6 days a week with a cheat once a week.
Strength & Hypertrophy - 4X a week in the weight room. Strength base, starting back on the 25th [next week is a light "get back in the groove" in the gym] is Wendler's 5/3/1. But the minimalist "I'm Not Doing Jack Shit" variation. The accessory/assistance work is going to be light weight/higher rep hypertrophy focused. Culled from a lot of sources, most old school Vince Gironda stuff.
Conditioning - 6 days a week shadowboxing and bag work. Did some light shadowboxing this week and it felt pretty foreign, as if my body forgot how to move in that way. Hopefully that goes away. And the big bit is doing that without aggravating my injuries that are hanging around, but hopefully slowly going away.
Miscellany - yoga, stretching, foam rolling, meditation, swimming.
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