Monday, March 10, 2008

Spitzer - Arrogance and Hypocrisy.

Leaving aside the issue of whether or not prostitution should even be illegal [to paraphrase the Great Carlin - if sex is legal, and selling is legal, why isn't selling sex legal?] remember this was Mr Hard-Nosed-Prosecutor-Super-Cop. Mr Law-and-Order.

Always remember they will lock you up and throw away the key, not give you a second thought, and then high five over a round of drinks at the bar while waxing philosophically about how you brought it on yourself and the importance of the rule of law in society.

But the laws only apply to you. Not to them. They're special. The laws are only for the little people. Or whoever they don't like. They don't care about the law, they care about power and their personal agenda.

Yeah, fuck them. Schadenfreude all around... it's on me.

The Spitzer Scandal: Lust Plus Pride - TIME:
"On a day of heavy ironies for one of America's most prominent and promising politicians, there was this: the prostitution ring that New York Gov. Eliot Spitzer allegedly patronized was called the Emperors Club VIP. It was the governor's own imperial mien, after all, that will make this fall from grace particularly bruising.

...The allegations could be particularly damaging to Spitzer, a former hard-nosed prosecutor who had made ferreting out corporate malfeasance and cracking down on corruption centerpieces of his political platform."

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