Sunday, March 09, 2008

Internet Dragons are Coming to Destroy Your [Japanese] Children.

Lately, in the media in Japan, like the media in America, the evil Internet and its corrupting and dangerous effect on children [you know, by exposing them to the world] is getting the hard sell.

And I can only decipher a bit of the Japanese in the morning meetings at school, but the dangers of the 'net are getting play there as well.

The poster to the right went up a couple weeks ago, and you can clearly see how the Internet leads to guns and drugs.

But the other day, this ended up on my desk.

The "Moral Guidebook" for dealing with the Internet.

[How very Mao.]

But take careful note, in the upper left corner, on the cover, of the Internet Dragons that are coming for your children.

I love Japan so much sometimes.

Translated version of
"...progress of the information society, such as the Internet and mobile phones have spread rapidly in the students is worth the trouble to get involved in multiple incidents. Moreover, in recent years, Internet message boards and mobile phone bullying by mail ( "Net bullying") occurs, new problems also occurred. Based on these circumstances, the school of information is required to enhance moral education, the Education, Science and Technology Ministry, so far, the information about various moral and implementation of our efforts.

...This guidebook is the moral guidance information "model curriculum" with a commentary about demystify the first teacher can easily understandable introduction to a number of practical examples, and information on educational practice moral guidance..."

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