Saturday, August 22, 2009

Clever bit of video - "What's your favorite Japanese Word? - 一番好きな日本語は何? Japanese 4 Morons: 101st Lesson."

A plethora of YouTube's Japanophiles combine into one unstoppable mega Voltron robot video.

Personally, I couldn't pick just one. I'd have to go with 3 - chikara/power 力, tanren/training 鍛錬 and shibakuzo/I'm gonna kick your ass! 芝九蔵. I don't know if that last kanji is right... I've never actually seen it before and Google only'll get you so far. The only reason shibakuzo even makes the list is because one of my Jr High kids taught it to me - trying to get me to say it to another one of the teachers. Those wacky teenagers :) But chikara and tanren I just like, so much that I etched them on my skin for all of time.

1 comment:

  1. Mine is "Shime-iiiii" (sp?) which means "DIEEEEEEEEEE" WHILE THE KATANA IS SLICING THROUGH THE BODY
