Friday, November 14, 2014

Training - "Advice for Success: 1. When you don't feel like doing your workout, do it anyway."

11/14 - squats, lunges, side bends

 The Rock's wheels... just ridiculous.

46 Years Old/Aging Is A Choice/No Excuses/Inspiring as Fuck.  ChickenTuna: "I am not a trainer, nutritionist or fitness professional of any sort... Just chatting about how hard it is, but very rewarding to stay fit. I put this site up in 2006 after hearing so much nonsense about people trying to get fit by attempting schemes and magical tricks.. which of course don't work.  Please don't treat fitness like an unsolved mystery.. all anyone can do is eat right and exercise consistently to be fit.. just a matter of actually doing it.  Being fit is doesn't cost anything.  You don't need to buy a workout plan or a magic meal plan.. keep making healthy food choices and do your workouts.   I've done it consistently for over 22 years now by using common sense and I will keep at it throughout my life.    I've had so much positive feedback about taking the confusion out of fitness so I'm keeping my site up and adding more.."

FAQ: "Q: How old are you? I’m 46.  I’ve been exercising consistently since I was 23.  The longest break I’ve ever taken from working out has been 1 week. Q: What supplements to you use? A: NONE." 

Philosophy: "Anyone  embarking on a mission to be in great shape should first be honest about what you are willing to do before you start looking for results.  If you are only going to workout once in a while, keep skipping workouts, putting in little effort  and you are not willing to say 'no' every time someone offers you a piece of cake, then don't torture yourself by expecting to see the best results.  I know I wouldn't see any if I started canceling my workouts and eating all the crap that came my way everyday.   Being consistent is the most important part of seeing results. I recently had a friend ask me what he should do about getting in shape.  My first instinct was to tell him to do what I do.  I workout regularly with weights and cardio,   I eat only non-processed foods, and I say no to eating all junk food and drinking alcohol.  When I told him this he said, "well, I don't like any of those healthy foods, I hate working out, and I love eating my treats."     I said, " well,  I feel the same way.. join the club."   Then he asked me how I do it, and I told him that I am just realistic about it and I like how it feels to walk around so fit.   I love being in shape and I am willing to do what it takes to stay there even though it's hard and not so much fun to give up all the good stuff.    But I think it would be less fun to be aging and become a pile of lard, jiggles, and flab.  I eat the boring food to have the exciting body.  I don't think I would enjoy it as much if I were eating all the exciting food and having the boring body.  Being fit and strong is a great feeling."

Philosophy: "I think the biggest excuse for not working out (besides not liking it) is that there isn't enough time for it.   Sorry, but that's not a valid excuse.  Everyone is very busy everyday and fitting in workout is just a matter of making it a priority.  I have a neighbor who has the most beautiful garden and I see her working in it everyday.  She is also about at least 100 pounds overweight.  She says she  doesn't workout because  she doesn't have the time.  But she has the time to keep her yard beautiful.   Not having the time is just an excuse, if she really wanted to be in shape she would find the time but being fit just isn't a priority.  Everyone has different priorities."

Magic Seekers: "Advice for Success 1. When you don't feel like doing your workout, do it anyway. You'll feel better afterwards. 2. When you feel like eating pizza for dinner, eat grilled chicken instead, you will survive. You'll feel great about your choice the next day. 3. Keep doing the above every week consistently. Consistency is KEY. "

Rants: "Feeling Deprived? I hear this a lot.. I am offered cakes, muffins, and all kinds of delicious assorted pastries on a daily basis at my real estate office and many other places (drooling over the Starbucks pastry case every morning). I always turn them down, and I’ll hear so many people say to me, “why deprive yourself?… life is too short.” I see these people chowing down all the muffins every week and I’m actually thinking the same thing about them… Aren’t they depriving themselves of nice bodies by eating them everyday? None of these people are in shape and they are all sitting around with big belly rolls and jiggles all over their bodies.(not like I'm judging but if I am questioned about my choices I will point fingers)  I’m just thinking to myself when I see them, that they are depriving themselves of the great feeling of being fit. They are depriving themselves of being at their best. So I guess it’s all in how you look at it. I’ve personally never felt deprived by turning down the goodies. Sure I love them. I was raised on junk food and sugar,.. it’s like mother’s milk to me. But the feeling of being fit all the time is far greater to me than the temporary satisfaction of feasting on the morning pastry basket. "

Confusion: "Also very common….. Women will see me looking lean and tone and give me nice compliments and then say, “ I went to the gym for a while but I just didn’t like it, I wish I liked it like you.”    ( I just love assumptions) Oh really?    Excuse me but who said I LIKED going to the gym? I think that was just an assumption. The truth is, I DON”T LIKE IT!!!!  I kind of love/hate it... Its hard!!!!    It is a pain in the ass. But I do it anyway because I like being fit. It is such a great feeling and so much fun wearing nicely fitted clothing that is it worth the effort. I don’t necessarily love brushing my teeth or taking out the garbage either, but I still do it everyday.. ."

Working Out: "When I first started exercising regularly at age 23, I purchased home workout videos and just kept rotating them each week. I always did the videos 3 or 4 times a week or every other day. I still use them as my preferred cardio method and have  many in my collection. Over the years, people have often asked me if the exercise videos work,.. and the answer is YES, they definitely work,....only if YOU DO THEM on a regular basis. Many people will do a video once or twice... don't see any results and then forget about it and that will never work. Force your lazy ass up off the couch and get the workout done, and keep it up on a regular basis for the rest of your life. That is what I do, and it works. I mostly use Taebo,  but ANY cardio workout that you do regularly will be effective."

Working Out: "I knew nothing about weight training back in my 20's and I wish I would have started sooner but it wasn't too late. I was in great condition from the videos and I think they keep me in better condition than if I had been just running on a tread mill for cardio. Now with the combination of eating the right, weight training, and cardio, and I am finally doing it right and I am still striving to be in better shape. Since I'm not a trainer or any sort of expert on this stuff, I am not going to talk about "the right routine", "the proper food amounts" or " a "how to section". If you aren't sure how much to eat or what type of exercise program to begin, do some research, but don't overcomplicate it.  It really comes down to this... you need to work out and eat right consistently to stay in shape. "

 That's just cute.

 Frank Zane, Aesthetics 101.

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