Friday, November 14, 2014

" rules, Sammy."

Of course.  Gen. Martin Dempsey Opens Door to Combat Role for U.S. Forces in Iraq - NBC "Gen. Martin Dempsey, the nation’s highest-ranking general, said Thursday that he is considering recommending that American troops fight alongside Iraqi forces to retake the city of Mosul or border areas with Syria from ISIS militants."

Thailand 'most dangerous tourist destination' claims book - Telegraph: "It pulls no punches and paints a bleak image of the future, going on to state: “Thailand has a dying king and serious succession problems, weak democratic institutions, an economy slipping into recession, faces issues of corruption across many of its key services and is host to international crime syndicates, awash with despised foreigners and drifting perilously towards civil war.”"

Thailand bans Briton's book that 'defames monarchy' - Telegraph: "The author said he was painfully aware that the book would provoke a furious reaction. “Open political debate is criminalised via draconian enforcement of the lese majeste law that outlaws any perceived criticism of the royal family," he said. “The Thai monarchy controls a fortune of at least £25 billion and Thai royals have frequently intervened in politics, so no sensible analysis of Thailand can afford to ignore their role. It’s also widely recognised that the death of the current king could unleash even greater instability. But saying so is illegal in Thailand — it is, quite literally, a crime to tell the truth.”"

Grandma tries so hard. 

Pushing white guys rightward on the political spectrum - Chicago Tribune: "One that gets me frosted is the routine depiction of white men in commercial advertising as dumb dads and/or macho morons. The tide of political and gender correctness has been so powerful that straight white guys are now the only demographic that can be safely ridiculed. Women are no longer shown venting frustration over waxy buildup on their kitchen floors, and that's good. But it's OK to depict beer-guzzling guys in sleeveless tees, sprawled on the sofa, mesmerized by TV sports even as something far more important begs their attention. It's a staple of modern advertising.

Consider the new Cadillac commercial that shows a dapper but dweeb-ish guy walking down the street thinking women are staring at him — when actually they're ogling Caddy's new ATS Coupe for 2015. Reshoot that ad with a female or minority playing the fool and advocacy groups would be talking boycott. In better times white guys let such mockery roll off their backs. But these are not better times, especially for the vast majority of guys not at the top of the economic pyramid...  lower down, where the middle class lives, the gender/wage gap is closing in an economy that increasingly rewards feminine tendencies toward cooperation and attention to detail over masculine brawn and impulse.

Women now predominate at degree-granting colleges and professional schools. Of 15 job categories expected to grow fastest over the next decade, ladies dominate all but two. Traditional good-paying "male" jobs, especially in manufacturing, are being off-shored or automated. So it's an awkward time to be claiming there's a "war on women" or, for that matter, a supposed epidemic of rape on college campuses or a sudden outbreak of unreported domestic violence. Sexual violence and domestic abuse are never to be tolerated, period. But a growing majority of us wife-and-daughter-adoring, please-and-thank-you white guys have lost patience with widespread male-bashing..."

Misha's the best. 


Awesome.  damilyn: Today is apparently... - APE IN A CAPE: "Today is apparently #cosplayappreciationday ! "

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