Thursday, November 13, 2014

"Carry on My Wayward Son."

It's the Whedonverse, I fully expect this to end in tragedy.

Suicide Squad may end up being the DC flick I'm most looking forward to.  Suicide Squad: Jai Courtney in talks for Deadshot, Will Smith rumored for Captain Boomerang, Tom Hardy for Rick Flag - Batman News: "Suicide Squad casting is beginning to come together quite nicely. Variety is reporting that Terminator: Genesys star Jai Courtney is currently in talks to play Deadshot. Will Smith smith has been rumored for a while now, and Variety says that he may be The Flash nemesis Digger Harkness a.k.a. Captain Boomerang. Tom Hardy is also rumored to be up for the role of Rick Flag. This comes after the news that Warner Bros. is trying to get Jared Leto to sign on as the Joker, and that Margot Robbie has reportedly been cast as Harley Quinn. Jesse Eisenberg will likely reprise his Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice role as Lex Luthor."

The best American Ninja Warrior tryout reel you might ever see.

#science. The Hottest Trend In Boob Jobs Are 'Vacation Breasts' But What The Hell Are They?: "The New York plastic surgeon who developed the “insta breast,” a saline injection into the breast that gives the impression of implants for 24 hours, is now working on a method that would last two to three weeks. “Twenty-four hours is great,” said Dr. Norman Rowe, a board certified plastic surgeon who practices in Manhattan, “but it’s still just 24 hours.” 
That. Is. Amazing. I love you, science. 
Rowe said the two-to-three-week breast “implants” are perfect for a special occasion — such as a wedding or vacation — but also give women a better opportunity to see what living with larger breasts is really like. Oh man, chicks are going to start getting new racks like they’re spray tans. “This weekend is the big rush party. Time to get my tits right!”"



Scott Walker's Repellent, Unconstitutional Call to Drug-Test Welfare Recipients - Hit & Run : "A 2003 case out of Michigan established that “suspicionless” drug testing for prospective social welfare beneficiaries represented a violation of their personal liberties. The 6th Circuit U.S. Court of Appeals ruled in that case that drug testing can be imposed on an applicant only if there is reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing. That's how it should be. There's no reason to treat food stamp recipients or collectors of unemployment benefits (for which they paid unemployment insurance) as moral defectives... 

This sort of drug-testing is not only repellent on ethical grounds, it's a clear waste of money. If a recent program in Missouri is any indication, Wisconsin will be collecting urine by the bucketful to catch very few bad actors (and that assumes smoking dope, say, should be a reason to pull somebody's benefits). Last year, Missouri started testing suspected drug users (note: suspected, meaning there was at least some hypothetical reason to think a person was using drugs). The state ended up spending $500,000 to test 636 people, of which 20 were found to be using. So around 3 percent of suspects tested positive and each test cost around $786. Before courts ruled Florida's drug-testing regime illegal, the Sunshine State spent $115,000 on piss tests and ended up coughing up $600,000 in reimbursements to applicants who had been denied benefits."

Officials Blame Elections for Afghanistan's Opium Boom - Hit & Run : "More than a decade after the West installed a new regime in Kabul and promised to stamp out Afghanistan's opium trade, it's no surprise that the authorities have not been able to eliminate the country's signature crop. But as poppy production reaches new heights, I got a wry smile out of officials' explanation for the latest boom: Opium cultivation and production in Afghanistan reached record levels this year, United Nations officials said Wednesday, blaming at least part of the increase on politicians' need for campaign cash during the country's protracted election season."

That's just funny.  A Man’s Guide To Women Based Purely On Looks: "...a Ukrainian girl once told me, “There is no such thing as an ugly girl, just a lazy one.”"

Ethan Nadelmann's Fiery TED Talk: What has the war on drugs done to the world? | Drug Policy Alliance: "Twenty years ago, Ethan Nadelmann left his teaching position at Princeton University to become a full-time advocate for ending the drug war. As the founding executive director of the Drug Policy Alliance (DPA), the largest and most influential organization promoting drug policies grounded in science, compassion, health and human rights, Ethan’s vision and leadership have had a monumental impact on public opinion and changed the course of history. Take a few minutes, as soon as you can, to hear Ethan Nadelmann’s newly released TED Talk that’s featured as today’s lead item at"

From the comments:  "In 1970 cannabis was temporally placed in Schedule I, the most dangerous controlled substances group, pending the results of a commission created by Richard Nixon to study cannabis and its effects. In 1972 this commission, the National Commission on Marijuana and Drug Abuse, recommended that cannabis prohibition be ended, which would remove it from Schedule I. Instead, Nixon ignored the results of his own commission and four decades later cannabis remains in Schedule I along with heroin! Nixon was recorded in the Oval Office on the now infamous Nixon White House tapes speaking with his Chief of Staff H.R. Haldeman: "I want a goddamn strong statement on marijuana, I mean one that just tears the ass out of them. You know, it’s a funny thing, every one of the bastards that are out for legalizing marijuana is Jewish…. You have to face the fact that the whole problem is really the blacks...The key is to devise a system that recognizes this all while not appearing to.""

Supernatural 200th episode.  #RightInTheFeels  



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