Tuesday, June 02, 2009

A little can of heaven.

Came across one of these in the vending machines today. Glorious.
From 2009-06-02

I used to be a fiend for Mitsuya Cider. It delivered what those 7-Up ads used to promise back in the day - "crisp and clean" taste. But I've pretty much kicked the soda habit, with all the crap sugar and high fructose corn syrup.

Been drinking diet colas for a while now, but this latest diet I'm on is really cleaning up my taste buds and palate. Even the artificial sweeteners in the diet sodas I usually drink taste fairly foul. I can only have a few gulps - to appease the carbonation addiction gods - before I can't drink anymore. Coffee is too bitter, and I've pretty much cut that out of my diet as well. And the sweetener I'd even been using for that is all sorts of cloying. [What with coffee and sodas gone, thank god I've got the caffeine tabs/fat burners to keep me from going into total withdrawal/uselessness.] I even noticed when I add the amount of salt I usually do to food, it's too much. This is a good thing, I think. Re-learning the way food is supposed to taste. How that's happening when I know the protein shakes I've been drinking are flavored with sucralose is beyond me... but hey, I'll take it.

But this, today, was the first time I've seen/had diet/zero calorie Mitsuya Cider. It was pretty damn good. Glad they don't have it everywhere or I'd be sucking it down, to my detriment, all the time. Good stuff, though.

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