Saturday, June 06, 2009

"In my experience all holy books are written so that you can't quote them honestly." - More fun with religion.

Hit & Run > Is the MSM Moving Toward the Secret-Muslim Theory? - Reason Magazine:
"USA Today has a handy rundown of ways in which Obama edited the most holy and exalted mystic Quran to get cheers while avoiding the actual import of the passages. Which is not probative either way: In my experience all holy books are written so that you can't quote them honestly."
Clapping for the Quran: Holy text is Obama's best draw - Faith & Reason:
"The political parsing of President Obama's address to the Muslim world will go on for days but one point was clear instantly -- quotes from the Quran prompted almost all the applause.

Obama hit point after point on Afghanistan, Iraq, Iran, September 11th, nuclear disarmament, the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, the social and political gifts and flaws of modernization and the virtues of democracy. And the Cairo University audience largely sat on their hands.

But they responded with cheers and whistles for any mention of the Quran that punctuated the speech, starting with Obama's first selection: 'Be Conscious of God and speak always the truth.'

...He paraphrased from Sira (chapter) 5), saying "whoever kills an innocent, it is as if he has killed all mankind; and whoever saves a person, it is as if he has saved all mankind."

He skipped the qualifying phrase about killing "unless it be for murder or for spreading mischief in the land.""

Oh, that healing power of faith...

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