Monday, April 07, 2008

"Never get comfortable and stop growing. Once you do, you begin dying."

Live Life Aggressively!: We are great at kidding ourselves:
"We can spend our time planning out our lives, setting goals and creating an illusion of control over this crazy world, but in reality we have little--if any--control. You can be in the best shape of your life and on cloud nine one minute, then get hit by a car the next, ending the rest of your days as a paraplegic. You never know what's around the corner. Then, every once in a while, we'll predict something that comes to pass, feeding our ego and again reinforcing the illusion we can see our future--yet it is just that: illusion.

...From the Buddhist point of view, it's not what happens in our life that makes us suffer, but how we interpret it.

...When we lack purpose and meaning in our lives, a part of us dies every day, and it's important to understand this early, before purposelessness, like a virus, replicates within our cells, literally taking over our lives.

Never get comfortable and stop growing. Once you do, you begin dying..."

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