Thursday, April 24, 2008

Another fine product of a Naval Academy education.

Tony Zirkle attended USNA, according to his "About" page here - About - from 1988 to 1990 [where he did very, very well, he'll have you know] before being medically discharged. He then, apparently, went on to get his law degree, and is now running for Congress in Indiana...

Crooks and Liars » GOP Candidate Tony Zirkle Wishes Adolf a Happy Birthday:
"On Sunday, Tony Zirkle, a Republican candidate for Indiana’s 2nd District, took time out from saving the economy by shredding vintage Playboys (of course!) so he could attend a 119th birthday celebration for Adolf Hitler. He claims he was only there to talk about his experience as a state’s attorney in Indiana, his wacky theories about pornography, and to preach the gospel, so of course his being there had absolutely nothing to do with his segregation plan that would allow blacks to “have six states, so instead of having one half-black senator, well they would have 12.”"

...the guy is thoroughly obsessed with other people's sex lives, too. Seriously, read some of his "position papers"... I defy you to get through them and not come away wondering just what incredibly large skeletons dude has in his closet. You know, besides Nazis. So very, very wrong in so many, many ways. The mind reels.

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