Friday, January 04, 2008

Pre China Weekend of Busyness, Part 3 - Kokusai Spirit Xmas Party.

So I get back from the rice pounding and start getting ready for that afternoon/evening's Xmas party for Sandy's Fukutsu City international group - Kokusai Spirit.

[Kokusai means international, for those of you playing the home game.]

It was good, we had some Christmas-y party foods and decorations, plus a Secret Santa/White Elephant/Gift Exchange and Steal extravaganza.

Where's Sandy?

There she is!

Performing the hard work of party preparation.

Kylie drew Jon. Ah, kids...

Anton stealing somebody else's Christmas Joy!

Okay, it was White Elephant, so he's not evil.

Officially, anyways. :)

And then, the best part, to get rid of some extra Xmas gifts we played "Battle Jan Ken Pon." Jan ken is the Japanese version of rock/paper/scissors, and this version of Battle Jan Ken, if you win - you attack. If you lose - you defend.

Watch the video to see how it worked.

It was pretty damn cool.

Cause hey, you get to hit people.

This one is Battle Jan Ken - Mother Versus Daughter - The Takamiya Clan!

The young lady [Saori? Sorry, horrible with names I am...] on the left was the absolute Battle Jan Ken Master. Reflexes like a coiled spring!

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