Tuesday, June 10, 2014

Training - "...tough times will pass."

6/10 - bench, pushups, stairs


 T Nation | Steroids: The Birth of a Demon: "Due to harsh laws based on Reefer Madness-like myths, the personal use of steroids for aesthetic purposes can land lifters in prison or get them fined for more money than they probably have. Ironically, steroid usage in sports, which these laws were created to curb, has not decreased. •  Steroids and other PEDs have been in widespread use in bodybuilding and Olympic lifting since the late 50s. Their usage in baseball, the Ben Johnson debacle, Lyle Alzado's questionable death, the Lance Armstrong farce, and the sad case of Taylor Hooton brought steroids to the forefront. Politicians and those with agendas took full advantage. •  Although it has many medical uses and is now commonly prescribed to aging males, the illegal use of testosterone puts you into the same criminal category as a heroin addict. And science has never backed up the hysterical claims made by anti-steroid zealots."

godsandm-onsters: need a little reminder of how...: "5’6” 185 to 120."


 fit-and-skinny-kate: The before picture is from...: "The before picture is from my 20th birthday (I turn 23 next month), and I have to say the most important thing my 20s have taught me so far is how to properly take care of myself, both physically and mentally. I learned just how important eating nutritious food is for your body, both inside and out. I learned that while I may not be coordinated enough for sports, I’m pretty athletic and enjoy things like running and lifting weights. I learned that there is no need to keep people in your life who only add drama and negativity and don’t support you. I learned that there are going to be tough times, that’s life, but those tough times will pass and getting through them is easier with a positive attitude. Most importantly I learned that you really need to love yourself, no matter what shape or size you may be, because at the end of the day you’re gonna be stuck with yourself for the rest of your life so you may as well be your own best friend and someone you can be proud of."

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