Wednesday, June 11, 2014

"It was in you, all along!"

Nic Cage.  Wearing a Nic Cage shirt.  With a cane, jewelry, sunglasses and cowboy hat.  Hanging out with Andrew 'Dice' Clay.  

New truths revealed about 1961 nuclear weapons accident in North Carolina - Boing Boing: "While both multi-megaton Mk 39 bombs involved in the mishap were in the "safe" position, the report concluded, by the time one of them hit the ground it was in the "armed" setting because of the impact of the crash. If the shock had not also damaged the switch contacts, the weapon could have detonated. Since the advent of the nuclear age, the nightmarish possibility of an accidental detonation has made weapons safety a boiler-plate item in the U.S. nuclear weapons program — yet potentially serious errors continue to occur."

Vincent D'Onofrio To Play Kingpin On Netflix's Daredevil - Bleeding Cool Comic Book, Movies and TV News and Rumors: "Netflix found their Daredevil in British actor Charlie Cox, and now they’ve found their villain. Vincent D’Onofrio has been cast to play Wilson Fisk (aka Kingpin), it was announced today, and this is how they describe his character in this new incarnation: a powerful businessman whose interests in the future of Hell’s Kitchen will bring him into conflict with the blind attorney Matt Murdock and his alter ego Daredevil."

Fasting for three days can regenerate entire immune system, study finds - Telegraph: "Fasting for as little as three days can regenerate the entire immune system, even in the elderly, scientists have found in a breakthrough described as "remarkable". Although fasting diets have been criticised by nutritionists for being unhealthy, new research suggests starving the body kick-starts stem cells into producing new white blood cells, which fight off infection. Scientists at the University of Southern California say the discovery could be particularly beneficial for people suffering from damaged immune systems, such as cancer patients on chemotherapy. It could also help the elderly whose immune system becomes less effective as they age, making it harder for them to fight off even common diseases."

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