Monday, May 19, 2014

Training - "There is no reason to be alive if you can't do deadlift." - Jon Pall Sigmarsson

5/19 - deadlifts, seated rows, back xt, pulldowns, stairs

""Is your diet 80% of your results? Are squats better than deadlifts? Does cortisol eat up your hard-won muscle or lead to a flabby gut? The only correct response to questions like this is to unask them: forget this line of thinking, as it makes no sense. Squats or deadlifts? Yes. Does the bench press train chest or shoulders? Yes. What’s more important, diet or training? Yes"— Matt Perryman

"You're not imagining it. When you decide to better yourself, you'll be immediately surrounded by people trying to stop you. Action, it seems, offends the inactive. They'll usually be subtle about it. Offering you foods that work against your nutrition plan, often presented as gifts or treats. Expressing false worry about your supplement usage, your food choices, and the number of days you go to the gym. They'll find plausible reasons for you to cheat on your diet or skip a workout. They'll encourage you to be discouraged. They'll even get mad at you for how your positive choices are affecting their lives. If anger doesn't work, they'll bribe, they'll mock, and they'll carefully plant seeds of negativity. All because you've decided to be better, to be more...

When you set a new goal, physical or otherwise, you have unintentionally pointed out other people's weaknesses. Their faults and shortcomings. Their inability to plan and lack of desire to express one iota of willpower. They sit around and want. You have royally pissed them off by doing. Piss them off anyway. Offend them anyway. Crawl out of the bucket and find new friends and better relationships. Remember, action offends the inactive. And that's their problem, not yours."

can’t believe this was me - Sonny: "me before and after before and after weight loss"

"I wanted to find the 'hardest' photo that was non-competition related. This was me (Nov '13)- no filter- no water pulling- just good ole cardio and eating meals that I admit were not the tastiest. Now my question to you- men and women- who find photos like this for example- and find it your mission to absolutely write the most hateful comments next to them? Why? I don't ever respond to you in a hateful manner- nor do I wish the same horrible retaliation upon you- all I want to understand is... Why does your profile say "god loving", "fitness enthusiast", "mother, sister, wife", "dad, brother, husband"... And you find it appropriate to comment on a strangers image, life, body, etc simply by a photo- a public photo. I want to make it clear- I erase and block all negative individuals- I don't wish the same hate upon you- not all of us are "juiced monkeys" as you comment next to my photos- I am a woman, a sister, a daughter, and girlfriend, a friend, a cat lover, a skateboarder, a in-n- out burger lover..."

"Steve Crane: "I am 43 years old. 6 months ago I was the heaviest and most out of shape I have ever been. Through a lot of hard work via kickboxing, exercise bands, many pushups, ab work, and running I have lost 45 lbs. My body fat has decreased. I am back to my high school weight which was 25 years ago. I feel great and want to continue down the path of my fitness goals."

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