Monday, March 26, 2007

Eleven Precepts for Reality Manipulation

Well put.
"0. Nothing comes from nothing.
1. All surroundings are evolving.
2. You are what you perceive. The dream and the dreamer are another dreamer's dream.
3. Change the environment to change the self. Change the self to change the environment.
4. Many games, many players. One player, one game.
5. In a mirror(ing) universe, all actions have an equal and mirrored reaction.
6. Infinite love is the only truth. Manifest reality is a predictable mathematical equation for distracting consciousness into believing it exists and thereby constraining it.
7. Be excellent to each other.
8. All is gradient manifestation of one substance. Change a part to change the whole.
9. Individuality is insanity.
10. Everything suffers all the time.
11. Sex, death and taxes."

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