Thursday, February 15, 2007

Huh. You'da thought I was crazier than this.

I think it's cause the way they phrased the quiz questions. Probably a conspiracy in that somewhere...

BBC NEWS | Programmes | Conspiracy files | Conspiracy test:
"Your responses indicate that you have a medium level of belief in conspiracy theories. You may well be quite trusting of your close friends, partners, those you work with and others but sometimes cannot be sure of all of them all of the time. You may also feel that your voice in terms of wider political decisions is rarely heard or acted upon, perhaps because government and big business is more concerned with their own interests than with those of the average person."

1 comment:

  1. I think this test is a conspiracy to target people with paranoid tendencies to use in conspiracy programs to conspire against those who are conspiring against the conspiracy programs in the first place.'s what I got...

    Your responses suggest you have a low level of belief in conspiracy theories. You may well tend to be trusting of your close friends, partners, those you work with and others. You may also feel that you contribute to political decisions and have a voice that is heard in wider society, albeit a small one.
