Thursday, August 17, 2006

Money and Perspective

Beyond Marketing: What does the Gold Plated Cigar Lighter Mean? or, Your Money Test: Part Two:
"'Let me tell you what I think,' I began. 'I have a belief in my head that says the more money I spend, the more money I receive. So when I spend six hundred dollars, I start looking for the six thousand dollars coming around the corner.'

'But you can use that money for other things, like feeding people,' the skeptic said.

'That's a comment from a scarcity mind,' I said. 'I believe you can help feed people and spend six hundred dollars on a lighter. The only limits are self-created ones.'

By now you can see why I asked you how it felt to hear about my lighter. It was simply a way to hold up a mirror to your own beliefs. That shiny gold lighter reflects your money IQ.

If you like your beliefs, keep them.

If you don't, consider taking on new ones."

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