Sunday, August 13, 2006

Ah, sweet, sweet laziness...

The Lazy Way to Success: Hard Work versus Smart (and Rich) Laziness:
Almost everyone has been brainwashed to accept (and pay lip service to) the fallacious premise that hard work is necessary in order to be successful. But the overwhelming evidence suggests the contrary, that hard work has nothing to do with success and is actually counterproductive. If hard work is supposed to produce success, then it would stand to reason that everyone who works hard should be successful. But that is far from the case. Most people who work hard never come close to being successful. In fact, most hard workers have a much higher incidence of non-success than they have success. Financial strain, stress-related disease, and lack personal fulfillment are at epidemic proportions, while wealth, health, and happiness are rare in comparison.

... delicious and highly effective ways of doing less reveal themselves when you are blissfully avoiding work. You can avoid work in any number of fruitful ways. Doing that which you are passionate about is a wonderful way to avoid work. Another recommended method of avoiding work is having a ball “playing” with a concept or a project.

...These hard work advocates refuse to entertain the possibility that another approach may be better... They apparently see no difference between slaving away at a mindless, pointless, stultifying job and advancing an exhilarating, laugh-filled, creativity-stimulating enterprise. Both situations require hard work, they conclude without a flicker of deep reflection.

When folks lump play, fun, and passionate pursuits in with rat-racing, boring tasks, and hard labor and then insist hard work is the key to success, you can be sure these folks have zero insight into what it takes to be successful.

1 comment:

  1. Laziness is both an art and a science, and like anything else worthwhile in life, if you want to be good at it you have to work at it.

    Laziness is a parent of creativity and resourcefulness. It is amazing how imaginative a person can become when necessary to get out of doing work.

    Many years ago there was a song titled "Love Makes the World Go Round". Then later someone made a joke that "love makes the world go round, but money greases the wheels". Actually, both are wrong. According to science, inertia makes the world go round. Inertia. The tendency of an object in motion to remain in motion. In other words, laziness. The earth goes round because it is too lazy to stop. Which is a good thing because if it stopped half of us would freeze and the other half cook. So we own our very lives to laziness.
