Tuesday, October 14, 2014

"There is no self-analysis; there is no concern for changing our interventionist national attitude; there is no sense of reevaluation."

Only once, Hulk. 

Always Repost.

Fictional Infractions and Furry Judges - Reason.com: "The North Carolina Supreme Court argues that "an officer may make a mistake, including a mistake of law, yet still act reasonably under the circumstances," and "so long as the officer's mistake of law is objectively reasonable…the Fourth Amendment would seem not to be violated." But as George Washington University law professor Orin Kerr points out in a recent discussion of Heien, courts do not cut people without badges that kind of slack. The usual rule is that ignorance of the law is no excuse. Shouldn't police officers empowered to use force against their fellow citizens be held to at least as high a standard?"

Jihadist or Jingoist, what a choice! | OrthoCuban" …if you look at almost all of the Congress and the media, there is no sense whatsoever that any of this is happening because we invaded an innocent country. Yes, it was a country innocent of the charges of having WMDs. The Iraq of back then was guilty of other things, but not of harboring WMDs to be used against the USA, not of supporting Al Qaida, not of exporting terrorism to other parts of the Western World. There is no sense that we could have, in any way, been one of the causes that triggered this horrific counter-reaction by the jihadists. No, there is only talk of how we should have stayed longer in Iraq, how we should have been militarily tougher, how we should have taken over Syria (and maybe even Saudi Arabia), how we should be wiling to put boots on the ground. There is no self-analysis; there is no concern for changing our interventionist national attitude; there is no sense of reevaluation. If anything, as parts of Islam have become jihadist, so have many of our countrymen (and Orthodox clergy) become jingoists. Violence seems to be the only answer increasingly given by both sides. Jihadist or Jingoist, what a choice this world has!"

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