4/1 - deadlifts, back xt, ab wheel, P90X3M D79 Agility X
"One of the most virulent and offensive exhibitions of this "I suck and can't help it" mentality is the practice of setting a New Year's resolution. In setting a NYR, you're doing a couple of things, all of which are about as cool as those grown men who brag about watching My Little Pony and write fan fiction for the show. First, you're announcing to the world that you've identified a fault within yourself and refused to resolve it. Second, you've decided to procrastinate on even pretending to resolve the issue until an arbitrary date. Third, you're making a hell of a lot of noise about nothing, since only about 12% of people who make New Years Resolutions enjoy anything resembling success.(Quirkology) It's a fucking embarrassment of fat, drunken David Hasselhoff with a hamburger proportions. If you think you suck, fucking stop sucking immediately. Women, I'm pointing at you and your motherfucking diets- there's no goddamned time like the present. Stop putting shit off until tomorrow...
You're not disordered. Your thyroid isn't the problem. Your metabolism isn't the problem. Your ratio of Type I to Type II fibers is not the problem. You brain is the fucking problem. You've nothing preventing you from starting a workout program on a Wednesday, a new diet today, or a new exercise in your next workout other than fear and stupidity...
If you're on the fence about what to do to get yourself out of a rut, that's not uncommon. Psychologist Rom Brafman has identified the root of the problem- there's a sway from which many people suffer, myself included, called "commitment", in which people get so stuck in their ways that they cannot rationally evaluate their alternatives. As such, you have to simply get fucking feral, stop thinking, and go. He who hesitates is lost. Don't be a dithering bitch - act. Try something new that you've thought was cool but were scared to try. Do squat lockouts with half a ton. Push your car down the street. Try some ultra-heavy hand and thigh lifts. Do a barbell one arm snatch. See how fucking far you can throw a keg full of sand. Or beer. Grab a chick's ass in a bar. DO SOMETHING."

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