Friday, March 28, 2014

Training - "This isn't something that will kill you."

3/28 - squats, calf press, back xt, calf raise, Arnold press, P90X3M D75 Eccentric Lower

"I grew up hating my legs, calves and butt. Well, what's there to like? It was flabby, thick and my butt was flat and saggy. I used to wear long skirts and loose pants to cover them up. I was ashamed of them. Even when I first started my fitness journey, I wasn't able to come to terms that my legs were thicker than most Asian girls. Even my dad called me 'rhino legs' . LOL. I believed that my insecurities about my legs came from the fact that I was brought up in an Asian culture where small, petite and fragile looking are what most people sought after. I've finally learned to love every part of me as imperfect as I may be. I know that through hard work, changes can be made. Even though my legs did not get any smaller, I now embrace them instead of hating on them. As age catches up with me, I stopped bothering about what others say about my body. Bodybuilding is an art. Not everyone appreciates it.

 In my opinion training your legs are a MUST. Here are some legit reasons why you need to train your legs:
 Increase overall  muscle mass. Studies show that squats & deadlifts increase the release of growth hormone & testosterone more than any other exercise= more muscle building hormone. 
More Strength. Stronger legs and core muscles will increase your strength on upper-body lifts and thus help OVERALL muscle development. Symmetry. A big upper-body with toothpick legs looks ridiculous. 
Improves mental strength. Squats and Deadlifts will build your mental endurance & character like no other exercise. Come on admit it! it's physically & mentally hard! (if you say it's easy you're probably not pushing to your limits! ) 
Burn a lot more calories during & after the workout. Legs are the biggest muscle group. When you work them hard, your body requires more energy! So naturally you will be burning more calories!    "

"If this SCARES you then you are a pussy, plain and simple. This is strength training - we are lifting weights. This isn’t something that will kill you. If this takes you out of your comfort zone then get ready because life is going to plant your ass really hard and you won’t know what to do." - Dave Tate

Impressive work - hurricane-jane: 
"Thought it was time for another before and after, although I’m still a work in progress. The last few months my body has changed a lot, it’s a lot stronger and I’ve built a lot of muscle. It may not be visible in these last pics, but believe me: I lift heavier than ever before and I run faster and further than I ever could’ve imagined. The two last pictures shows that my upper body strength has increased, and that my horrible bloated belly has shrunk into something that reminds a lot of a flat stomach ;) 27 lbs off my body, and I’m not sure if I want to lose more weight. I probably will lose at bit more when running season starts, but over all I think I want to focus on building muscles and tone my arms and back. This is the coolest expermient I’ve ever done! :D" 

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