3/18 - coffee, milk, Cannibal Inferno, water, Monster Milk/Mass, eggs, Monster Multi, Animal Flex, hamburger, cheddar cheese, salad greens, mayo, Universal ZMA
3/19 - coffee, milk, Cannibal Inferno, water, eggs, coconut oil, unsweetened cocoa powder, Monster Multi, Animal Flex, hamburger, wasabi mayo, chicken/cheese/broccoli soup [w/onions & garlic]
3/20 - coffee, milk, Cannibal Inferno, water, eggs, chocolate milk, bacon, peanut butter
3/21 - coffee, milk, Cannibal Inferno, water, eggs, chocolate milk, Monster Multi, Animal Flex, salad greens, tomato, hamburger, bacon, cheese, Universal ZMA
3/22 - coffee, milk, Cannibal Inferno, water, ON 100% Whey, bacon wrapped cheese sausage, triple bacon cheeseburger, fries, chicken tenders, mayo/ketchup, Coke Zero, cookies
3/23 - coffee, milk, water, hamburger, tomato, cheese, eggs, steak, Universal ZMA
"Dieting keeps you focused on training, and vice versa. The harder you diet, the harder you'll train. The obverse is definitely not true. If you eat sloppily, you will not care as much when you hit the gym, because you've already made a shitload of concessions about your training (in the fuel selection), so you're retreating from success before you even touch a bar. If you're entering the gym pissed off and a little hungry from dieting, you'll take out your frustration on the weights, and you'll want to break your fucking ass so that the effort of dieting isn't wasted...
During this period, you are going to have to work harder than ever to stay focused. It is going to suck. You're going to need more sleep. You're going to get pissed off at little shit, because you're filled to the fucking brim with frustration at your perceived lack of progress. People around you are going to start making suggestions about making concessions, about how what you're doing is unnatural and possibly unhealthy, and they're going to reinforce your doubts and that shitty little voice in the back of your head. It is at this point that you need to remember that you're better than every single fucking person around you. You're a fucking demi-god- you have transcended the human condition and become something better, and you're on your way to becoming a fucking godhead. If, that is, you can stay the course.
Keep it positive, and keep it aggressive. You will prevail.
Should you find yourself failing, it's because you lack the resolve to succeed. At that point, you have two choices- be a strong person or a weak person. There's no in-between. If you fail at dieting, you're fucking weak. There is no other reason- it's not your thyroid, or your genetics, or the fact that you didn’t use this or that drug- it’s because you’re fucking weak. Should you choose to be so, that’s fine. Frankly, I could care less if most people just walked themselves off a fucking cliff, and their mental state could not possibly matter less to me. It should, however, matter a great deal to you. Thus, you should succeed at your diet to make yourself a stronger, better person. You will thank yourself, and the more miserable the experience, the more you’ll appreciate it thereafter. Failure is not an option."

"Obesity doesn't make you less intelligent, but it might cloud your cognitive abilities.
In a recent study, conducted by researchers at Georgia Regents University, the blood of obese mice had especially high levels of a chemical called interleukin 1, a substance born from fat cells that can cause inflammation. When the researchers later examined the obese mice brains, they found that interleukin 1 had passed the blood-brain barrier--something that normally should not be possible. The substance had seeped into the hippocampus, an area responsible for memory and learning."
"I was diagnosed with diabetes shortly after the first photo was taken. Fortunately, I didn’t listen to the dietitian who “educated” me about what to eat. While doing research online I found a low carb forum for diabetics, where I learned about the LCHF way of eating. I wasn’t even trying to lose weight, my only thought was to normalize my blood sugar. Losing weight was a very pleasant surprise and the pounds just seemed to melt off without my ever being hungry. My family fully supported me by eating LCHF along with me and we all lost weight!"

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