Monday, February 24, 2014

Training - "Set Higher Standards."

2/24 - back xt, seated rows, deadlifts, pulldowns, db shrugs -- P90X3M D43 Eccentric Upper -- chest opener stretch

2/23 - P90X3M D42 Dynamix

2/22 - P90X3M D41 MMX

"There is no supplement or medication that has proven to be as strong as regular exercise in improving the immune system’s ability to detect and destroy invaders." - David Nieman, PhD, director of the human performance labs at Appalachian State University in Boone, N.C

"Take a look at 92 year old Svend Stensgaard in a recent powerlifting meet. He deadlifts 286 pounds at approximately the 5:30 mark within the clip."

If you're fat, it's probably your fault. - Average obese woman gets just 1 hour of exercise a year - New York News
"A new study suggests that obese women get just one hour of vigorous exercise a year, while obese men don't do much better at fewer than four hours. The findings startled the researchers, whose main focus was finding better ways to measure how much exercise people get. "They're living their lives from one chair to another," said Edward Archer, a research fellow with the Nutrition Obesity Research Center at the University of Alabama at Birmingham. "We didn't realize we were that sedentary. There are some people who are vigorously active, but it's offset by the huge number of individuals who are inactive.""

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