Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Today's Internets - "What you meet in another being is the projection of your own level of evolution." - Ram Dass

Well, Zurich sounds fascinating.  BBC News - Zurich introduces 'drive-in' sex:
 "Now the city has come up with a solution it believes will protect them: soliciting on the streets will be forbidden, and instead prostitutes and their clients will be expected to use a custom-built compound on an industrial site in the Zurich suburbs. The facility opens this week; inside the gates, which are manned by security guards, there is a "strip" which men can drive down, and select the woman of their choice. 
"But since all business must take place inside the compound, there are drive-in "sex boxes", and here the measures taken to protect the women are very apparent. On the driver's side, the boxes are very narrow, making it difficult for him to get out of the car. On the passenger side, there is plenty of space, an alarm button and an emergency exit. There are also safe-sex reminders: "There is a big HIV prevention advertisement right in front of the car, so the driver has to look at a condom, to remind him he should wear one," the city authorities say. And there are very strict rules: "Just one man per car, no bikes or motorcycles, no filming, and of course no littering.""

Of course.

"In 1969, Shōnen Sunday magazine featured a series of illustrated articles entitled “Computopia,” which depicted life in a pleasant future pervaded by computers." 
 Take note of the Japanese classroom child-beating robot.  That is the Japan I know and love.

Great article on training - Testosterone and PWO Nutrition | 70's Big:
 "I say that the intricacies of the PWO nutrition is low on the priority list. Why would you care about the specifics of your protein shake when you don’t meet the required amount of protein each day, much less the minimum amount for your body weight? Oh and you’re eating about 100g more carbs than you need, eating shitty fats, not mobbing, and getting about 6 hours a sleep a night? And you want to worry about how many scoops of protein and molecularly dense carbs to swallow after training? Assuming you’re doing an appropriate systemically stressful strength training session to begin with? If it sounds silly, it’s because it is. If you feel cheated, it’s because you have been...

It turns out there really isn’t any research on the “do your workout in 45 minutes or your testosterone levels will drop”. Furthermore, there is discrepancy in the research that may show that protein and carb PWO shakes actually decrease testosterone levels! That sound you hear is your entire world-view burning to the ground...

This is how a discussion on PWO nutrition circles back to general nutrition and training advice; make the simple stuff a habit. Get enough protein and fat to recover, get enough carbs to match your activity level, and get it through quality foods that limit systemic inflammation and help promote recovery...

Combine full body, systemically stressful compound movements in each training session a regular basis to get bigger and stronger — squat, press, deadlift, bench, row, and pull-ups. Keep the approach simple, yet consistent."

Best bro good deed of the day, ever. 

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