Sunday, February 10, 2013

Today's Internets.

DHS watchdog: DHS can search all your devices within 100 mi of US border - Boing Boing: "The DHS office of Civil Rights and Civil Liberties -- a watchdog that's supposed to keep the DHS in check -- has concluded that it's fine for the DHS to stop anyone within 100 miles of the US border, without any suspicion or warrant, and search all the data on all their devices. But they won't say why...

“There should be a reasonable, articulate reason why the search of our electronic devices could lead to evidence of a crime,” Catherine Crump, an ACLU staff attorney, said in a telephone interview. “That’s a low threshold.” The DHS watchdog’s conclusion isn’t surprising, as the DHS is taking that position in litigation in which the ACLU is challenging the suspicionless, electronic-device searches and seizures along the nation’s borders. But that conclusion nevertheless is alarming considering it came from the DHS civil rights watchdog, which maintains its mission is “promoting respect for civil rights and civil liberties.” “This is a civil liberties watchdog office. If it is doing its job property, it is supposed to objectively evaluate. It has the power to recommend safeguards to safeguard Americans’ rights,” Crump said. “The office has not done that and the public has the right to know why.”"

The only two you need, really...

FBI employees love the BitTorrent - Boing Boing: "The most likely explanation is that employees were downloading these videos for personal entertainment. This wouldn’t be much of a surprise really, as we’ve seen this before at congressional offices the Department of Justice, national parliaments, record labels and movie studios."

Get your sunlight and your Vitamin D, people...  Vitamin D Protects Against MS | "Last fall two Swedish scientists warned that people with vitamin D deficiency were more frequently affected by MS. A previous study has also shown that people with MS who were randomized to receive vitamin D supplements became healthier than the control group [1  2]. This isn’t too surprising as vitamin D affects the function of the immune system, and vitamin D deficiency is common. One more study now shows that vitamin D supplementation may slow or prevent disease progression in cases of suspected MS, that were detected early. In this study vitamin D doses of 50 000 IU weekly were used, i.e. approximately 7 000 IU daily."

The 70's were different.

Texts From Last Night: "(704): I was just asked if I wanted to struggle snuggle. She's a keeper"

Texts From Last Night: "(608): Just visited the liquor store.... for the 4th time today. shits gonna get weird"

Apparently there's a whole meme/niche/fetish about IDF women and their rifles.  You learn something new every day.

FML: my fiancĂ© told me that it would be okay with him if I got plastic surgery to make my boobs larger.…: "Today, my fiancĂ© told me that it would be okay with him if I got plastic surgery to make my boobs larger. It would also be okay with him if I didn't get the surgery, but he would call off our engagement and never talk to me again. FML"

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