Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Marvin, is that you?

One of these has got to be him.

It's okay, I can make fun of him. He won't read it.

All via Overheard in the Office:
"Boss: I don't get it. Why are these entries all wrong?
Data entry grunt: Look at the user report. Out of 75 users, 67 of them are entering the data incorrectly. We need to get those 67 in a training session so we're all on the same page.
Boss: I'm not sure how -- I've never had to do this before.
Data entry grunt: Right... Can we just take a moment here so you can explain to me why you're the manager but I'm the one that does the managing?

K-V Road
Victoria, Virginia"

Overheard in the Office | Then My Work Here Is Done:
"Boss talking about movie Kiss Kiss Bang Bang ... And he sees the body out of the corner of his eye just when you're thinking that, and he turns and pees on it...
Female cube rat: We just had a seminar on our sexual harassment policy, and I am offended by that. I should report you.
Boss: Go ahead, I have pictures and emails.
Male cube rat: Do we have an official blackmail policy?
Black male cube rat: I take offense to that.

1771 N Street
Washington, DC

Overheard by: afraid to speak"

Overheard in the Office | You Should Come This Sunday:
"Boss: Call it 'team environment,' because I don't like the word 'culture.' It reminds me of that other word. You know, what they call my church...?
Office manager: [Stares in silence.]
Boss: Cult! They call it a cult.


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