Saturday, November 14, 2015

"’s a free nugget of wisdom: not everyone agrees with your point. Grow up." "I am constantly amazed at how others want to change the culture of another group solely because THEIR ego, THEIR superiority complex and their need for everyone to be like them needs to be fed...

So I propose this to everyone – in let’s make 2016 the year of Mind Your Own Goddamn Business.  Take care of your own shit before you try to clean out the homes of others.  And please people, try to understand that YOUR fight isn’t going to be everyone else’s.  And that doesn’t make them a racist, bigot, homophobe or whatever stupid label you want to apply to people who have problems of their own and don’t bow to you.  And here’s a free nugget of wisdom: not everyone agrees with your point. Grow up."

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