Wednesday, January 07, 2015

"Nothing is unannounced. There is no such thing as a surprise..."

  "...Everything is preceeded by the ghost of its appearance...  That's part of the nature of a fractal cosmos." 

"You can perfectly model the DNA using the I Ching." - Terence Mckenna

Genetic code - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The genetic code is highly similar among all organisms and can be expressed in a simple table with 64 entries."

I Ching - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia: "The basic unit of the Zhou yi is the hexagram (卦 guà), a figure composed of six stacked horizontal lines (爻 yáo). Each line is either broken or unbroken. The received text of the Zhou yi contains all 64 possible hexagrams"

Why is it so difficult to eat real food in the 21st century? | The Verge: "I’m trying to do the same and return to a diet of real food, free of deleterious additives or deceptive imitations, but it’s hard. It’s very hard. WHO DECIDED THAT VALENTINE’S DAY AND EASTER EGGS SHOULD BE ALL ABOUT CHOCOLATE? The power of marketing over diets in the developed world is overwhelming. Every cultural trigger for eating has now been geared toward "indulging" in junk food: hot dogs are a tradition of attending baseball games, popcorn is a cinema institution, and birthdays wouldn’t be birthdays without cake. Halloween fetishizes the collection of candy and conflates it with the fun of being social, forever imprinting on the minds of children the idea that sugary confectionery and a community spirit go hand in hand. The actually healthy pumpkin is converted into a perverse decorative effigy."

Australian Activists Rebel Against Growing Speed Camera Use Via Amusing Facebook Campaign - Hit & Run : " An Australian Facebook group called “Block Their Shot,” has sprung up to fight the government’s use of speed cameras. How they do so is right in the group’s name. They fake roadside problems and park their cars directly behind the vans that are monitoring vehicle speeds...  

The folks behind the campaign argue, much some of us do here in the states, that these cameras aren’t about safety at all but are revenue raisers for the government. Even with its rather biting opening, the Telegraph does show the numbers that have led to this behavior: Between January and October 2014, the amount collected in speeding fines from mobile cameras jumped from about $310,000 to $1.35 million per month, figures from the Office of State Revenue show. The number of fines leapt from 1590 in January to more than 5200 in October. "

"Scott, I've been watching you for a while now. You're different. Now don't let anyone tell you that you have nothing to offer. Second chances don't come around all that often..."

The Playboy Conversation: Patton Oswalt and Wil Wheaton | Playboy: "Before we get into that, the masterful two-part trolling tweets you did were amazing. It was phenomenal. It was like, parts of it felt like this great Andy Kaufman prank and then it was so much smarter. And just the way it revealed so much about the people who lost their minds. That was brilliant. How did that happen? [Real quick for those of you who don’t know what I’m talking about: earlier this year, Patton went on a tear where he posted two separate tweets back to back that, when separated, sounded profoundly racist, homophobic, antisemetic, and just terrible. But, when you read them together, they were actually strong statements for equality, tolerance, and social justice. A portion of the Twitterverse that I call The Stupidsphere went predictably nuts, demanding that Patton apologize for their perception of what he said, ignoring the actual substance of it. It was amazing.]

The Playboy Conversation: Patton Oswalt and Wil Wheaton | Playboy: "PATTON: was weird because I actually got one of these reactions — it seemed like a new class of citizen was showing up with my profession looking for things to be outraged at. There’s capital at being pissed of at things. Like, okay, I’m going to give people something where a click away negates whatever they’re outraged by, let’s see if they’ll do that. So people were freaking out. What the hell was that? Then it started. “Oh, he’s doing this thing.” Then one guy said — and I should have taken a screen shot of this — he said, “I understand what Patton’s doing, but I still think I have the right to my initial reaction.” 
WIL: Wait. Like, “I’m allowed to be a dumbass and be angry about it”? 
PATTON: “That was my initial reaction, that’s my right.” It is really weird. When I read Suey Park’s Salon interview this year she said something that was really frightening, which was “Context doesn’t matter.” Those three words are so terrifying for a comedian. I can show you a 30-second clip of Blazing Saddles and say “Mel Brooks is a racist. There’s the evidence. Context doesn’t matter.” 
WIL: “I’m entitled to my own initial reaction.” 
PATTON: “And I deserve reparation. I deserve some kind of remedy. An apology.” We just saw the giant kaiju monster of this with The Interview. That idea of context doesn’t matter is a scary thing. Especially because the oppressive, racist, homophobic forces in the world don’t have comedy as a weapon. We progressives do. If we’re going to start giving that up and start policing progressives twice as hard as we do the conservatives and homophobes and haters, then we’re fucked. Then they get to be the rebels and they’ll find a way to make homophobia and racism look cool. Because all we’re doing is attacking each other. 
WIL: You feel like it’s another area where the progressive establishment has just ceded ground to the right-wing reactionaries? 
PATTON: No, there’s no right or left wing to it. It’s all corporate. “Well, we can get more clicks if we’re outraged by things. It doesn’t even matter anymore what we’re outraged by.” If they’re outraged by the same old things… But if they put a picture of Jerry Seinfeld and put the word “rape” next to his picture, ooh, people will stop and click and we can sell ad space. It doesn’t matter who it hurts. It’s all revenue. It’s all commerce."

Oz was the best.

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