Friday, August 22, 2014

Training - "Pain will always be part of your life..."

"Your ability to endure it, to control it, and to overcome it... that is what will make you great.  Pain is temporary.  You are strong.  Push through it." - Lazarus V2, Greg Rucka 

8/22 - pullups, dips

 Heidi Somers - Mobile Uploads: "The picture on the left was me at my heaviest 130lbs (I'm only 5'0) and I wanted a change. I started working out and eating healthy and was able to lose all of the extra weight I was carrying. It wasn't easy. There was plenty of times I wanted to quit. Plenty of times I had obstacles. But you keep going. You don't give up"

Seems Legit. 

 Keebs Losing It: "That USED to be me.. I USED to come home everyday, make an unhealthy dinner, eat an unhealthy portion of it, and then watch hours of TV! I ate fast food all the time, and hated even the thought of a small walk.. I Never took the stairs.. I Hated myself so much it’s unbelievable.. My knees hurt, my back ached, my clothes were too tight, and I was sick and tired of it! So what did I do? I changed, and there is NO secret for me to share with you as to how.. I stopped eating junk, and I started eating real food.. I limited eating out, I ate smaller portions, I started to see changes so I kept going. Eventually I got up and I got moving, I started walking, and then running. I loved how I felt, I was happy, I was proud. I went from a size 28w jeans to a size 6-8, my ring size went from 8.5 to 5, i threw out all my old 3X tops and traded them in for mediums, I enjoy going for a walk and being active, my knees don’t even hurt after a five mile run. So screw all of the people who used to call me fat, and to those that think I didn’t work hard to become who I am today! MY SWEAT SAYS IVE EARNED THIS! I changed, and so can you! If you can relate to anything I said, do it for the only person that matters, YOU! ❤️"



 I like lift.: ""Why do you work out so much?"… When I try to explain that I’m training and not working out, a lot of people don’t understand what this means. You wouldn’t ask a marathoner why they do so much "cardio", a sprinter why they do so much "HIIT", or any competitive athlete why they "exercise" so much. Powerlifting is my sport and I train to increase my 1RM for the squat, bench press, and dead lift. I don’t do ab exercises. I don’t try to "tighten" or "tone" anything. I don’t work out specific body parts to make them look different. I just train to be a better athlete. The physique I have achieved through weight lifting is just a plus. I hope this explains my mindset!"

Truth wrapped in a joke surrounded by an enigma.

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