Tuesday, April 08, 2014

Training - "[Cults] use a diet high in carbohydrates and low in protein to aid in brainwashing their members."

4/8 - presses, shrugs, hanging knee raise, crunches, P90X3M D83 Eccentric Upper, P90X3M D84 Pilates X, P90X3M D85 Dynamix

ChAoS & PAIN: The Government Doesn't Like You. In All Probablility, It Hates You.
"The government NEVER has your best interests at heart. they have only the special interests in mind, because they're heartless, soulless, greedy motherfuckers who would love to see you dead, except that dead people don't pay taxes...

As such, their recommendations, like the USRDA, are about as valid as a Star Wars nerd's claim that Jar Jar Binks added levity to the prequels. Carbs are cheap and plentiful, while protein is not. Our government has proven, ad infinitum, that they will skimp every fucking time on services and goods for the people, but line their fucking pockets while they do it.  Meanwhile, protein makes you mentally and physically strong, and strong people are hard to control. Plebes raised on gruel, however, are easy to control- they're weak and softheaded. This is why, in spite of the fact that Americans suffer from more chronic illnesses than any other people in the history of our species, people still respect the recommendations of the government when considering what to eat, what drugs to take, and what is "safe..."

Modern man suffers an unprecedented amount of degenerative disease.  Two of the biggest lobbyist groups are healthcare and agribusiness.  Between the two of them, they have a vested interest in you accumulating massive amounts of degenerative diseases, which the healthcare industry can later profit from fixing.  If the recommendations the government provided, upon which things like school lunches are based (and which many Americans blindly follow as nutritional lemmings), were in any way healthy, our kids wouldn't be fat pieces of lazy shit, and our fucking teeth wouldn't be falling out.  Weston Price showed definitively, years ago, that the modern diet is at least in large part to blame for the massive number of cavities and other assorted dental problems from which modern Americans suffer...

Does the government support his recommendations?  Hell no.  In spite of the fact that he's the only person who's made a compelling argument for the dramatic increase in dental caries over the last 200 years, in spite of the American obsession with dental health that borders on psychosis.  The government, in collusion with the ADA, blames everything from lead to a failure to floss, but not the carb-laden diet supported by agribusiness and the government.  Heavens, no!  It couldn't be that!  The teeth of paleolithic people stay in their fucking heads, and are strong enough to chew through plate steel.  Likewise, neither the government nor their lackeys can account for the exponential rise in degenerative diseases over the past 100 years, and tend to blame the problem on increased longevity, in spite of the fact that paleolithic cultures with similar life expectations don't suffer from cancer, bone degeneration, or any of the other horseshit plaguing our old people.  Maybe that's because no one in their society profits from their feebleness, as pharmaceutical and insurance companies do in our own....

 It's long been known that cults like the Hare Krishnas and Scientologists, use a diet high in carbohydrates and low in protein in conjunction with sleep deprivation to aid in brainwashing their members...

...the next time you hear or read a recommendation by the government on the consumption of controlled substances, vitamins, supplements, or food, take a long look at what they've suggested and the reasons why.  Nine times out of ten, their recommendations will be outright lies, and their reasoning will be predicated entirely upon their ability to control the populace and line their pockets through kickbacks or taxation."

"A calorie is not a calorie. Some calories may, for example, make you burn 300 more calories per day (corresponding to 30 minutes of running). The figure above shows that a strict low-carbohydrate diet on average resulted in burning 300 calories more, compared to a diet much higher in carbohydrates. More details about the study here..."

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