Wednesday, March 05, 2014

Training - "FIND A REAL REASON..."

3/5 - chins, curls, db row -- P90X3M D53 Warrior -- gtg chins -- foam roll/smr/stretch

"You say you “lose motivation” in the gym – that’s an easy cure. FIND A REAL REASON to train, not something that is cosmetic. Vikings never gave a shit how they looked when they swung the axe, only that the axe landed hard and with purpose." - Jim Wendler

"1. Don’t do cardio unless you’re going to do cardio: When you do cardio, you should be sweating and huffing and puffing. It should be almost impossible to read Facebook or respond to your BFF’s most recent selfie. Pick up the pace and make that cardio work for you...  When you finish cardio, you should feel as if you’ve accomplished something and that you’re happy it’s over not because you were bored but because it was hard work. #beastmodecardio #quitfakingit"

Jelly | Blogg på "Ambassador for @hardbodysweden.  Working for my dream body!" 

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