Friday, December 13, 2013

"Beyond the Darkest Timeline."

"Seth Rogen, girlfriend of the year award."

Fascinating.  First read this idea years ago in Michael Talbot's "The Holographic Universe" - Simulations back up theory that Universe is a hologram : Nature News

And then there's this.

"The VA’s use of lobotomy, in which doctors severed connections between parts of the brain then thought to control emotions, was known in medical circles in the late 1940s and early 1950s, and is occasionally cited in medical texts. But the VA’s practice, never widely publicized, long ago slipped from public view. Even the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs says it possesses no records detailing the creation and breadth of its lobotomy program.

Between April 1, 1947, and Sept. 30, 1950, VA doctors lobotomized 1,464 veterans at 50 hospitals authorized to perform the surgery, according to agency documents rediscovered by the Journal. Scores of records from 22 of those hospitals list another 466 lobotomies performed outside that time period, bringing the total documented operations to 1,930. Gaps in the records suggest that hundreds of additional operations likely took place at other VA facilities. The vast majority of the patients were men, although some female veterans underwent VA lobotomies, as well...

The VA documents subvert an article of faith of postwar American mythology: That returning soldiers put down their guns, shed their uniforms and stoically forged ahead into the optimistic 1950s...

"Jenny Erikson, a conservative Christian mommy blogger, recently attracted attention when she posted posted an attack on her pastor for “spoiling the surprise” of her divorce by telling her husband before she could...

You’ll notice most of her posts end with some version of “that happened” or “That. Just. Happened” as if she is deeply surprised that her actions have consequences and there are other people in the world who don’t share her narcissistic fantasy, in which God thinks exactly like her and agrees with every decision she makes. Her substitution of indignant phrases for counter argument shows an inability to imagine or empathize with a perspective other than her own.

[from the comments]
How dare you insult this fine Christian woman! All she did was divorce her husband, destroy her marriage , put herself and her happiness before her family, wrecked her children's lives, betrayed her faith, involved the court in her marriage , and left her husband because she was not happy and posted it all on the Internet under her real name so he is shamed worldwide forever. Obviously the pastor is the problem here. That. Is. Right. Because. I. Say. So."

May the odds be ever in your favor.

Ron Swanson is my spirit animal.

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