Monday, November 07, 2011

Cooking/Food Log.

Mixed up for the Mrs throughout the week.

Once again multiple social engagements, holidays, utter lack of willpower and the alluring effects of alcohol prevented a clear weekday/weekend delineation between clean and lax dietary practices.  As ever, a work in progress.  Not pictured, delicious brunch food deftly prepared by others - including quiche, pototos au grautin [I think] cakes, pastries, morning wines & liqueurs, much more, etc...

My contribution to the aforementioned brunch, despite running out of butter halfway through prep.  Infused olive oil worked, go figure.  Rather pleased with how they turned out, and they count as a "win" as they were consumed in full/made no one [apparently] ill.  Yay, me.  It's the little victories.

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