Sunday, May 30, 2010

Watched/2 weeks - okay, Glee is pretty damn entertaining.

So, since the last the last thing I need is more TV mucking up my life I'd avoided Glee, just on general principles, despite hearing solid reviews round and about the internets.  But given this week is an episode directed by Joss Whedon and [guest] starring Neil Patrick Harris [whose Dr. Horrible and Harold & Kumar work has made me a fan for life] I checked it out.  [Joss Whedon is my master, now.]

Oh, it was good.  It was soooo good.  To the point where I needed to download the rest of this season's episodes.  And while the JW/NPH ep is probably the best of the bunch... geez, is this a just a good, good TV show.  Witty, smartly written, fun.  And Jane Lynch as Sue Sylvester is straight genius - "I've always thought the desire to procreate showed a deep, personal weakness."

The Daily Show, Korgoth of Barbaria, Superman/Batman - Public Enemies, UFC 113...

Smallville - season finale... sometimes this show is so good [particularly the Geoff Jones scripted eps] but usually this so is soooooo painful a watching experience.  Despite interesting premises, it has wooden acting and characters who are internally inconsistent and ridiculous to the extreme.  I can't even mention the # of times my internal dialog shouts "WHY WOULD YOU DO THAT?"  But still, the geek allure is strong, and I watch.  Season Finale was equal parts of awesome and "that makes no fucking sense whatsoever."  So there's that.

Doctor Who, Breaking Bad, The Boondocks, Strikeforce Heavy Artillery, House, Castle, Big Bang Theory Season 1, SNL, Justified - [great show, but so sick to death of cop shows where the protagonist violates no end of civil liberties/rights because they're in the "right,"], Modern Family, The Middle, NCIS, Luther, 30 Rock, Community, The Office, Parks and Recreation, The Mentalist, TUF, The Good Guys, Stossel, Chuck Season 1, Newsradio S1&2, WSM 2010...

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