Thursday, March 18, 2010

Yes. This.

The Joe Rogan Guest Blog Experience, Day 2: We Are All Still Going to Die: The Q: GQ:
"I think another reason why we're all fascinated by this idea of an apocalypse is because there's this silent acknowledgement amongst folks that are even remotely paying attention that there's no fucking way we can keep this up. The way people are going in this world there's just no way we can sustain it. There's too fucking many of us, and we need too much to live the way we've got it set up now. Our industrial lifestyle is literally choking the planet with trash. There's an island of plastic and garbage floating in the Pacific that's twice the size of Texas, and you rarely hear a peep on the news about it, but they'll dedicate time day after day to report about a golfer that likes to have sex.

"President Obama wins the Nobel Peace Prize and then sends 30,000 more troops into an unwinnable war! That makes no sense!"
"I know, right? Crazy. Do you think Kate can really be on "Dancing with the Stars" and still be a good mom?"

We're fucking nuts, and deep down inside we all know we are fucking nuts. I think when many of us sit down and even try to think about the way the world is run today, it can really fuck your head up. It seems so crazy and so out of control that thinking about it too much can actually cause depression. When you take into account all the lessons we supposedly learned in Vietnam, and factor in the incredible access to information that's available today, and then think about the fact that we're involved in TWO wars that make even less fucking sense over 30 years later…it really is enough to make you want to quit. Any random night spent watching CNN makes me want to move to a beach house in Costa Rica just in time to watch the rest of the world blow up in the distance."


  1. Rob, you sound angry.
    Do you want to talk about your feelings?

    I recommend tending a small vegetable garden to lower your blood pressure. Except that I just watched two Costco delivery guys crush all my daikon and herbs as they trudged through it with the big refrigerator my partner just bought because for some reason the small, used refrigerator we got for free wasn't good enough for her.

    I realized the Apocalypse was coming when, last year at a convenience store in Prague, I saw Geisha chocolate bars. I have a picture to prove it.

    I am going to go transfer all the food from our old refrigerator to our new one, including all the food weeks past its freshness date.

    You have a good weekend Robbie.

  2. Hey Ry,

    Hisashiburi. Hope all is well in your world.

    Angry, nah... amused, maybe. Perhaps you're projecting your food related angst?

    Have a great weekend as well, old friend...
